RUNology 2.0 is available in App Store and Google Play

We are happy to present to you RUNology - our innovative mobile app that revolutionizes the way runners train, providing a virtual running coach right in the palm of your hand. After a years of research and development, the app is now available in app stores.

In today's fast-paced world, staying fit and healthy has become a priority for many people. Running, in particular, has gained immense popularity as a convenient and effective form of exercise. However, we understand that runners often face challenges such as incorrect running techniques, lack of personalized training plans, and the risk of injuries.

Unleashing the Power of AI:

Three years ago, we embarked on a mission to create the ultimate training app for runners. The initial version of RUNology, known as RUNology 1.0, was designed to offer a collection of video workouts, guiding runners to improve their strength, speed, and overall running form. But we realized we could take it even further.

After two years of intensive research and development, we introduced an exciting and unique feature in the app: AI-powered running technique analysis. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, RUNology 2.0 now offers runners the ability to upload videos of their running style directly to the app. Our AI algorithms then analyze the videos, providing detailed feedback on the runner's form, strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need improvement.

Personalized Training Plans for Optimal Results:

What sets RUNology apart from other running apps is our ability to create comprehensive training plans tailored to each individual runner. Taking into account the analysis of the runner's form, strengths, weaknesses, running history, and lifestyle, our app generates personalized training programs that cater to the specific needs and goals of the user.

With the guidance of our virtual running coach, runners can access a vast library of video exercises and workouts designed exclusively to enhance their running technique, build strength, increase speed, and prevent injuries. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, RUNology has something for everyone, making it the perfect companion for runners of all levels.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Success:

The journey to bring RUNology 2.0 to life was not without its challenges. Developing a robust technical solution and securing funding during the tumultuous COVID/post-COVID era posed significant obstacles for us. However, fueled by our unwavering belief in our vision, we persevered and are now proud to announce the availability of RUNology 2.0 on both the App Store and Google Play.

Try RUNology Today:

With RUNology 2.0, you'll gain valuable insights into your running form and receive personalized training plans tailored to your individual needs and aspirations. Our app goes beyond being a simple tool - it merges cutting-edge AI technology with a wide array of workouts and exercises to help you improve your running technique, minimize the risk of injuries, and achieve your fitness goals.

Join our RUNology community today and let us guide you as your virtual running coach. Lace up your shoes, hit the pavement, and allow RUNology to support you in becoming a stronger, better, and injury-free runner. We're thrilled to be a part of your running journey!